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Are these 4 Body Image symptoms running your life? (video)

Laura Burkett

Poor Body Image Symptoms:

1. A complicated relationship with food (obsessed and consuming, at worst)

2. Feeling undeserving of goodness and acting out in self-sabotaging behaviors

3. Feeling isolated and disconnected

4. A lack of full presence in one’s life

Why this should matter to you

Collectively, we are VERY distracted by our bodies. Much of our mental time is delegated to comparing, criticizing, planning, and figuring out how to change it.

Don’t you believe there is more to your life than living in this limited place?

I used to drive myself crazy trying to improve my body image in all the wrong ways (I’ll share more about this next week)

Now, I experience FAR more freedom and trust in myself and my body without any forcing or gripping.

Later this month I will be opening enrollment for my 6-Week ONLINE Program, Empower Your Eating: 6 Weeks to a Hot & Healthy Body Image,(likely for the last year) and teach you how to free yourself as well. I’m pretty excited about it!

I’ve got all the information you’ll want and need coming your way in the coming weeks and you’ll be hearing from me a touch more this month.

Be on the look-out for VIDEO 2 in one week where I share part of my personal story around body image and share more program details.

I’m looking forward to connecting with you then!

If you should have any questions along the way, feel free to contact me HERE. And please share with any women in your life that may benefit from this work!

With love and support on this journey,


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