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I’m Tired of Food Hangovers

Laura Burkett

Ever wake up in the morning with a food baby in your belly? Ever feel sluggish or lethargic, having had too much organic peanut butter with rice crackers, too large or too late of a dinner, or one slice too many of homemade banana bread?

I certainly can remember what that feels like. And so can many of the lovely ladies I work with. It’s downright uncomfortable and can leave us looking for a quick solution to flatten our bloated bellies.

Cultural logic can seduce us into thinking extra exercise or eating minimally the next day is all we need to do. The truth is, that sort of rationale can be a slippery slope, encouraging the stressful cycle of overeating (loss of control) followed by undereating (rigid control ) followed by overeating, etc…

Some of the kindest and most effective things you can do for yourself are actually pretty simple. So simple, in fact, that women typically overlook them.

Want to know my 4 favorite food hangover strategies? Here they are:

1.) Get outside.

Most likely something stressed you into eating a ½ a bag of Dove dark chocolate. Get yourself into an environment that vibrates at a slower frequency and re-ground yourself. That means get off the computer, put on your hiking shoes, and go tromp outside for a while. Listen to the wind dance in the trees and feel the sun warm your skin.

2.) Drink something alkalizing.

If anything, this is a loving, symbolic act. Make a point to nourish your cells and your body and begin anew. Vegetable broth, green vegetable juice, water with 1 tbs of apple cider vinegar, water with freshly squeezed lemon, even miso soup, all help the body shift into a more alkaline state. These can all help relax your mind and your body.

3.) Do not weigh yourself.

I repeat, do not weigh yourself. So many women share their story about indulging, stepping on the scale the next day, seeing a number a few pounds higher, and thinking, “I KNEW it. I gain weight so easily,” and then partake in all kinds of dietary voodoo, in hopes of undoing the perceived damage. The day after, you may weigh 2-4 lbs more, but the increase is primarily water gain. Extra carbs are stored as glycogen in the body and for every ounce of glycogen, you’ll store 3 ounces of water. The water weight comes and goes within a day or two. This brings us to point #4

4.) Eat like a regular person.

For the sake of this article, “regular” means your everyday, balanced, sustainable way of eating – whatever your dietary preferences happen to be. For most, this means a morning meal, mid-day meal, and dinner. Trust your appetite. Keep your meals balanced with nourishing protein, grounding fats, and whole carbohydrates and do not try and “save calories.” Your body and metabolism will sync back up with its natural rhythm in no time.

Take action: Share your insights in the comments below. What are your current food hangover strategies? How effective are they for you?

And please share this article with any friends, or family that you feel may benefit.

Cheers to loving self-care,


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