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Masterclass: Breaking Free from Chronic Dieting

Writer's picture: Laura BurkettLaura Burkett

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

You know the saying: If dieting worked, it would have worked by now.

But on dieting goes, people jumping from one strategy to the next, largely unexamined and unquestioned.

As "scientific" as dieting may present itself, it seems to be a nutritional strategy that's strongly driven by emotion, shadow, and collective stupor.

Skipping meals, eating an extraorindarily low caloric intake, and all sorts of other extreme eating strategies have become mainstream and not only seem "normal," but admirable too.

But the craziest part about chronic dieting is that it is ANTI-weight loss.

If you've been dieting or trying to manipulate your body weight for many years of your life, this should have your attention.

Chronic dieting gets in the WAY of weight regulation for physiological reasons:

One, it genererates a survival response and stress response.

There's also a serious lack of pleasure, which makes it difficult to maintain, as well as a disregard of natural biological rhythms through the day. Many often become deficient in essential fatty acids or protein, too.

Chronic dieting still seems to be its own kind of religion. It's followers adhere to a mixture of scientific, lifestyle, dietary, philosophic, and moral rules that impact them strongly.

Interestingly, many people that have been spending years, on-and-off, trying to change their body weight, do not describe themselves as chronic dieters. Instead, they simply feel they are trying to find the perfect style of eating to "help them get healthy." But at the end of the day, they are searching for new ways to restrict themselves.

Most women I talk to don't want to have to be so restrictive.

Deep down they want to be able to take care of their bodies the best they can, have room for pleasureable food, and maintain a healthy weight, without all the drama about it.

The culture won't really offer alternatives to trendy programs and bootcamps.

But you don't need to follow the status quo.

On Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, from 7pm-8:30pm EST, I'm teaching a concise and to-the-point Masterclass on breaking free from chronic dieting.

You won't want to miss it.

This isn't about rebelling against a culture that loves diets, while neglecting your own body. This is about

understanding what it really takes to feel free and empowered, by anchoring into a wisdom that cuts through trends and drops below them to the currents of wisdom that support life and metabolism.

During our time together, I'll be presenting the cultural, nutritional, and psychological dimensions of chronic dieting. I'll be presenting a couple case studies that participants tend to love that really highlight the journey in action.

I hope you join me!

Class will be recorded and available for a week for those that cannot attend live (though I hope to see you live!)

Date: Tuesday, October 10th

Time: 7:00-8:30pm ET

Format: Zoom

Investment: $40

Reserve your space in class here with PayPal or Venmo:

PayPal option: end $40 to

Venmo option: send $40 to @lauraburkettgutierrez (phone # confirmation: 1691)

I can't wait for our time together! See you on the October 10th!



(And if your the type of person that likes to dive into one-on-one support right away, you can contact me here).

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